Leading Lower Back Pain Chiropractic Care

Millions of Americans suffer from lower back pain but there's good news! Lower back chiropractic care can help! Here at Health From Within we’ve successfully helped alleviate and reduce lower back pain and restore function by decreasing the nerve compression and nerve irritation responsible for the discomfort.

At its simplest, chiropractic care involves adjusting the spine to relieve pressure on the nerves. This can be done manually or with the help of tools. Manipulation of the spine is a highly effective treatment for many types of back pain, including sciatica, herniated discs, and degenerative disc disease.

Our lower back pain chiropractor has put together the information below about this condition and how we bring patients relief from it. Even better, chiropractic care is safe, non-invasive, and drug-free.

man with lower back pain

Common Causes of Lower Back Pain

Sometimes, you are aware of an action that caused the onset of your lower back pain, such as lifting objects while moving. Other times, it can seem to come from nowhere. We have found that issues with the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones are frequent culprits behind pain in the lower back.

Muscle Strains

One of the most common causes of back pain is muscle strain. This can be caused by lifting heavy objects, carrying them for long distances, or even by poor posture. Muscle strain can cause sudden lower back pain and is usually worse when lying down or sitting for long periods of time. Most back pain caused by muscle strain feels like a dull ache.

Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction

There are a number of different things that can cause sacroiliac joint dysfunction, including leg length discrepancies, prolonged joint stress, pregnancy, and childbirth. In most cases, the sacroiliac joint is responsible for absorbing shock from the upper body so that the lower body doesn't have to bear the brunt of the impact. This can help to prevent injuries to the lower back and spine. If the sacroiliac joint is not functioning properly, it can lead to pain in the lower back and spine. Treatment for sacroiliac joint dysfunction typically involves physical therapy and exercises to strengthen the muscles around the joint. In some cases, injections or surgery may be necessary.

Lumbar Disc Issues

Disc problems can cause a lot of back pain and discomfort. If you have a disc issue, it's important to understand what is happening and how it can be treated.

Bulging discs occur when the discs are compressed and become flattened. This causes the edges of the discs to stick out or bulge from the vertebrae. Herniation occurs when the gel-like substance inside the disc leaks out. Degenerative disease happens when the discs break down due to age or wear and tear.

Herniated discs are torn discs with gel-like insides that herniate or stick out of the tear. This gelatinous material can enter the spinal column, where it can cause painful nerve compression. Herniated and bulging discs can be caused by repetitive motion strain, car accidents, or being overweight.

Degenerative disc disease is a condition that results from age-related changes in the discs of the spine. These changes cause the discs to break down or degenerate, which can lead to pain and other problems.

As discs age, the holes for the nerves to travel through get smaller. This can compress and damage the nerves, leading to pain and other symptoms. Degenerative disc disease can also cause the discs to become less flexible and more likely to break down.

Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis is the narrowing of the space within the spine that carries the nerves. Just as in degenerative disc disease, Symptoms of spinal stenosis include pain, numbness, and weakness in the affected area. The pain is often worse with walking or standing and relieved by sitting or bending forward. In severe cases, bladder and other organ dysfunction may occur. We advise our patients to contact our office immediately if loss of sensation, strength, or bladder control occurs, as these can signify more pressing concerns that require emergency care.

Facet Joint Dysfunction

Facet joint dysfunction is a condition that affects the joints in your spine. These joints are located between the vertebrae, and they help to keep your spine stable. Facet joint dysfunction can cause pain when you stand for long periods of time or lean backward because this increases pressure on the joints. The symptoms of facet joint dysfunction are caused by inflammation of the joints, which can occur due to age-related changes. 


A subluxation can cause a number of problems, including pain. When the spine is not properly aligned, it can compress nerves, which can lead to pain. Chiropractic adjustment can help to correct this problem by aligning the spine and restoring proper motion and nerve function. This can make it easier to get results from stretching and other exercises that may be prescribed.

Chronic vs. Acute Lower Back Pain

Acute pain is a shorter-term condition. It typically occurs in response to an injury such as a fall or auto accident. Another common cause of acute pain is muscle strain from lifting too much weight. Acute pain goes away on its own in a few weeks. Treatment can further reduce this timeframe.

Chronic pain, on the other hand, is defined as any pain lasting more than 12 weeks. Common causes of chronic pain include arthritis, back problems, and fibromyalgia. While chronic pain cannot be cured, it can be managed with medication, physical therapy, and other treatments.

Symptoms of Lower Back Pain

The main symptoms of lower back pain are aches and loss of function. The pain can vary greatly. Some of our patients report a dull ache. Others tell our chiropractors that they feel like they're being stabbed in the back or it is on fire. Lower back pain and stiffness can make everyday tasks feel like significant ordeals.

How Chiropractic Works to Eliminate Lower Back Pain

At Health From Within, we know that our patients don't have time to waste on experimental or unproven therapies. As a result, we directly treat the underlying cause of lumbar region pain. The most popular therapies we offer are chiropractic adjustments.

Spinal Manipulation

Spinal manipulation is a common treatment for back pain that involves moving misaligned vertebrae back into their proper position. This treatment can be done with quick, short thrusts to restore normal alignment and reduce painful nerve compression. It is also used to restore typical performance, such as range of motion. There is an impressive array of research literature that supports this form of therapy for mild to moderate back pain.

Mobilization Therapies

The goal of mobilization therapy is to enhance the range of motion in the back. In our chiropractic office, we sometimes manually stretch a patient's back to decompress the vertebrae. This relieves pain quickly and helps restore normal positioning for the lumbar discs.

Mobilization therapies are an important part of chiropractic care. By increasing the range of motion in the back, these therapies can help relieve pain and improve function.

Other forms of mobilization therapies include therapeutic exercises. These are customized for each patient and can consist of stretches designed to maximize the range of motion. In addition to promoting flexibility and muscle relaxation, exercise improves blood flow to promote recovery even more.

Benefits of Seeing a Lower Back Pain Chiropractor

If you're struggling with lower back pain, chiropractic care may be a good option for you. Chiropractors focus on providing holistic and wellness-focused care, which can help you avoid addictive pain medications and their side effects. Additionally, chiropractic care can help you avoid the risk and downtime associated with back surgeries. 

The care we provide here at Health From Within does more than just target the immediate source of back pain. We also focus on underlying issues that may be contributing to the pain. This holistic approach can lead to more long-term relief from back pain, as well as other health benefits. For example, by addressing inflammation and nerve irritation, we can help to reduce pain and prevent it from getting worse. 

Making gradual health changes that last a lifetime is our focus. We help patients by providing routine chiropractic care, suggesting nourishing food selections, and promoting wellness-minded movement. These lifestyle choices are some of the best ways to maximize your health.

Relief for Your Stiff, Aching Back

Although it is challenging, treating lower back pain is some of the most satisfying work we do at Health From Within. We find absolute joy in helping individuals feel less or even no pain as they get through an entire workday without stiffness, complete a 5K walk, or accomplish other goals. So stop searching for a ‘lower back pain chiropractor near me’ and give us a call for compassionate evaluation and treatment you can trust. We’ll take the time to understand your unique situation and develop a treatment plan tailored to your needs. And we’ll be with you every step of the way, cheering you on as you reach your goals.