Leading Chiropractic Posture Correction

Good posture is important for everyone, no matter your age. Not only does it help you look your best, but it also helps your organs, tissues, and cells function properly. When you're sitting, standing, or lying down, be sure to keep your body in alignment and avoid slouching. You'll feel better and have more energy throughout the day!

If you have poor posture, you may be at risk for developing a number of physical problems. While these may seem like minor aches and pains at the time, long-term postural misalignment can lead to more serious health issues. Chiropractic posture correction can help address these problems, as well as improve your overall health!

Woman leaning over table

What Causes Poor Posture

A slumped posture can be the result of many factors, both intentional and unintentional. While your mind does play a role in your overall health, your posture can also be a reflection of your mental and physical wellbeing.

The human body is designed for movement, yet the average American only stands or walks for 25% of their waking hours. If you’re like most people, you probably sit for many hours each day. When you sit, your muscles aren’t getting used as they would when performing activities.

Over time, this can lead to a muscle imbalance affecting your posture. When muscles aren't evenly engaged it can cause a number of problems, including:

  • Joint pain

  • Muscle strain

  • Inflexibility

  • Poor posture

Additionally, unevenly engaged muscles can lead to imbalances in your body which can make you more susceptible to injuries. It’s important to keep all of your muscles evenly engaged and flexible so that you can maintain good posture and avoid pain and injuries. 

Bad posture can lead to a number of problems, including damage to your range of motion, difficulty coordinating movement between your upper and lower body, and balance issues. Chiropractic care can help to correct poor posture and restore whole-body coordination.

The muscles in your buttocks, pelvis, sides, and back work together constantly to distribute your weight evenly when you’re standing still. This helps you stay centered and reduces wear and tear that can worsen postural problems.

A Look at Correct Posture

Most people have a natural tendency to slouch, whether they're sitting or standing. Maintaining good posture requires you to consciously straighten your back and align your spine. This can be difficult at first, but with practice, it will become second nature!

There are many benefits to having good posture. For one, it helps reduce strain on your muscles and skeleton, which can lead to pain relief. Good posture also helps improve your breathing and circulation, and can even make you look taller and more confident.

When your posture is correct, your head rests gently on your spine, and you look straight ahead. Your hips and shoulders should be level and even on both sides. If you were to look at a side-view picture of yourself, you should be able to draw a line through your ears, shoulders, hips, and ankles if they are all in proper alignment.

Benefits of Poor Posture Correction

When you have proper posture, your entire body is in alignment. This alignment helps optimize breathing, digestion, and circulation. Proper posture also helps prevent pain in the back, neck, and shoulders. In addition, good posture can improve your mental and emotional health. When you feel confident and poised, you are more likely to succeed. Good posture also makes you look taller. So not only will you feel better, but you'll also look great! Some other benefits of chiropractic posture correction include:

  • Proper spinal and joint alignment

  • Reduced muscle fatigue

  • Even muscle tone

  • Reduced risk of sprains, strains, and back pain

How Our Chiropractic Care Can Help With Posture Correction

When you visit Health From Within, you can expect the following five major benefits of chiropractic posture correction.

Raised Awareness of Your Posture

Your posture is more important than you might think. Good posture helps you to avoid pain in your back, neck, and other parts of your body. It also allows you to move more freely and with less effort.

A recent study found that poor posture can significantly reduce neck range of motion in otherwise healthy young adults. This means that if you don't pay attention to your posture, you could end up with serious limitations later on in life.

Here at Health From Within, we offer comprehensive postural evaluations to help you understand the ways that poor posture may be affecting your health. We'll work with you to create a plan to improve your posture and help you feel your best.

Learning How Your Posture Impacts Your Overall Health

Poor posture can affect all areas of the body because posture is a whole-body movement. When you lower your head by even one inch to look at your smartphone screen, you double the weight your neck muscles are carrying. You might not even notice there is an issue until you start to develop pain or tension. 

Here at Health From Within, when you see us for chiropractic posture correction, we work to restore proper spinal and nervous system function. When everything is correctly aligned it allows your nerves to work properly as well as your circulatory, respiratory, and digestive systems.

Gets to the Root of the Problem

Chiropractors helping with posture correction investigate the source of the problem. We believe posture correction can improve your overall health in several ways. For one, it can help reduce back pain. Additionally, posture correction can also help improve your mood and reduce feelings of fatigue. Posture correction can also help improve your breathing and increase your energy levels. All of these benefits make posture correction an important part of maintaining good overall health.

Provides Objective Progress Monitoring

Our team provides you with objective progress monitoring. Our chiropractors assess your joint function, spine, and posture to ensure optimal motion and alignment. Our team will also provide you with any imaging studies ordered so you can see a visible representation of your progress.

Chiropractic posture correction uses gentle methods that lead to holistic overall improvement of your health. If you’re ready to reap the benefits from chiropractic posture correction, give our team a call or request an appointment online.